Use Code LOVE to save $50 this Valentine's Day Weekend. (Orders over $400. Offer ends Tuesday Feb. 18)


SuccessStoriesmarqueeGay, NY
I just want you to know that … because he has megaesophagus I left this machine on. It seem to work. Over the last 3 days — it was below zero there with -20F wind chill. Was very happy to see this thing keep working. Otherwise he wouldn’t have any food in his stall for 12 hours. It’s filled with mostly poulin hay pellet, outlast and small amount of triple crown so dry feed.

Emily, NH
After my mare's colic surgery, we weren't sure she would make it, but since being on iFEED (knock on wood).... no colic episodes, no ulcers!!
Very happy with the product. We are in the process of opening a boarding facility, and I'd like to use them for the whole barn once we are done building!
I love being able to give her small meals throughout the day instead of two large meals. I truly believe it helps and is better for them. Your product has really helped her. So much so that this second feeder is going into an outdoor building that my dad built just for the feeder so she can have one while turned out. She eats every 30 min while in her stall. The smallest amount we can give her just to keep her busy without hay!

Randi, NC

Thank you so much for introducing our farm to the iFeed. It has been a lifesaver for one horse in particular and myself. We have a mare diagnosed recently with Delayed Gastric Emptying and she is no longer allowed to have any hay. I was skeptical at first because we soak all of our feed which isn't possible using the iFeed. It also wasn't going to be reasonable to try and feed her small meals throughout the night.( I do need some sleep).  Our solution is to soak what we feed her during the day and at night check. Her other 8 meals are delivered about one pound at a time over the course of the late afternoon and overnight. We give her a feed tub full of a flavored water called Equitea (our vet clinic manufactures it) and the pellets drop from the iFeed into the bucket full of liquid. It slows her down some and she stays hydrated. She is very happy and really doesn't seem to miss having hay in front of her.
It is a super product and could be useful in many situations. One that immediately comes to mind is for young horses. It is a way to disassociate people from food. It can also come in handy for a horse coming home from surgery or any situation where you may need to offer multiple small meals. I feed a forage based diet so the majority of our horses get very little feed but for a hard keeper or horses prone to ulcers, it is a real game changer. 

Kathie, CA
We finally got the feeder set up. My horse has been on 100% Elk Grove sunshine forage since April 1. He has adapted great to it. I love how calm and even tempered he is. He no longer is worried about food. He hasn't had diarrhea or fecal water since April 1.

Sherry and Arlington, IN
Our iFEED is doing it's job...up and running. Even take it to shows. Arlington knows what the "click" like a dinner bell announcing incoming.
REALLY LOVE our happy to have one.
I always want to THANK those who contribute to our cause. Arlington has had issues...mostly allergy due to molds and mildew in hay. As a result he had respiratory problems requiring inhalers and special feeds. He cannot have baled hay so he gets complete feed along with alfalfa pellets...during the warmer months he can have fresh greens that I cut for him every day. The iFEED is a valuable part of his regiment in that he is fed seven times a day around the clock 24/7 with no exceptions while at shows so our iFEED goes with us! We do have a lot of inquires as to the what and whys of its' use. I got literature from you which I have available at shows but still am surprised by the lack of takers to improve their feeding habits. The two times a day is too easy. Arlington also experienced a bad bout of ulcers while with a trainer he did not get along with so the iFEED is a great tool in managing this problem even now that he is home with us. The unit is just the right size and of sturdy construction...the price was more than appropriate for the job considering the potential health interventions provided. So happy to pass our experience along to you along with another THANK YOU!!!

Carla in WI
We just love the iFeeds!
Our paint, who usually drops weight during the winter, looked his best ever.
Their coats were shiny, too!
It really gives us peace of mind ;) 
We also noticed that the amount of manure decreased, as you said. Bonus!
We still have not completed everything in the new barn but we do have the stalls in, the arena is great, and we just got a gaited horse, yesterday! Surprise....! We need another iFeed! 


Kristin Williams, DVM
I have an iFEED and I absolutely love it. It has literally saved me and my horse’s life.  

When my horse was diagnosed with gastric hyperkeratosis and needed frequent small meals of pellets only - no hay ever again - as part of the treatment protocol, iFEED was the only feeder that could deliver what he needed. He is fed 3 to 4 small portions every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day. The most natural way, given his unnatural diet! Many thanks to iFEED for all of their support and guidance along the way.

Dr. Brown, DVM
I recently tested 18 performance horses that had been using the iFEED feeder for the past 9 months. For the first time in my career all tests came back negative for ulcers. Up to 80% of performance horses suffer from ulcers and to see 18 horses all test negative for ulcers is unheard of. Using iFEED has clearly made a positive impact on the health and appearance of these horses.

Lauren Crooks
After two colic surgeries, we were recommended to try the iFEED for our mare. It’s actually been pretty incredible! It’s helped her intestinal comfort level to be able to have food that processes through her body without actually irritating it. Since she is constantly eating means she’s happy, and she now has a pretty normal lifestyle with a feed program that allows her to stay comfortable and healthy. The whole thing has made a world of difference. The company was really helpful in installing the feeder and telling us how to use it. It’s nice because you can customize the program for the horse and you can fully manage the situation. We just took her to her first show as a test run to make sure it would work there, and we had it running at the show 24/7. It was really easy to move back and forth.

Good morning Ulla, 

I just wanted to reach out and wish you and Jesper happy holidays! I hope you guys had a nice Thanksgiving 😊
I also wanted to give you 2 fun little stories!
First, I don't know if you remember me telling you about my little weanling colt I was fitting up for the futurities. Well I decided during the summer to try the iFeed that I have out on him. What a transformation in made in him! He looked so great, he ended up winning all of his fall futurity classes!! The best part was, sending him to his new owner 100% healthy with the knowledge that he was going to her without any gut issues (like it seems most people have with futurity babies, including myself with the filly I purchased several years ago). Along with that, we stayed at a good friends house while we were at the show, and low and behold, they had just equipped their entire barn with brand new iFeeders just days before! I am sure you know Matt and Erin Henderson? I was SO excited to see that they have decided to use the feeders, and I can't wait to see their stock next year! We had talked about them previously because they know the mare I have my iFeed for well, and know the issues i've had with her. I am just so glad they can help promote the feeders and maybe help others see the value!
My second little story involves a weanling paint filly that came to me with the most horrible diarrhea I have ever seen in my life. Not to be crass, but it was SHOOTING out of her. Which, she is white - so you can imagine how disgusting that is! Anyway, EVERYTHING had been tried on this filly, and i'm not stretching when I say everything. Special diet, several rounds of ulcer medication for both fore and hindgut, insanely elaborate turnout/stall schedule, bio sponge, medication.... the list goes on and on. She just wasn't thriving, not a great haircoat, not thin or skinny, but just didn't have that "Look", plus, she had water poo. Well 3 weeks ago the colt went home and I said, "well, it can't hurt!" So i threw her in the stall with my iFeed. Her poop is now about 90% normal, she has EXPLODED in size and weight, and the best part? I have almost cut her feed in half.
I am constantly being amazed by your feeders (I even put one on my christmas list this year😅) ! I just wish we could get them in every barn!

Hi Jesper and Ulla,

I just wanted to let you know that we installed the two battery powered feeders last Thursday and they worked great while we were on our trip this past weekend. Our two miniature horses became accustomed to them very quickly and are much more relaxed knowing that another meal will be available soon. Each horse has a large box stall and a dry lot paddock. They used to finish their complete feed and hay within a couple of hours and then pace, dig, or chew the barn in boredom until the next feeding. Prior to installing the iFEED system they were fed twice daily with roughage supplied by baled Standlee timothy grass hay in slow-feed Hay Pillows and had a four hour daily turnout wearing grazing muzzles. We have replaced the use of timothy hay in the Hay Pillows with Standlee timothy hay pellets. The hay pellets are thoroughly mixed with their daily ration of Purina Miniature Horse and Pony Feed and their supplements. The horses are much happier eating every two hours and don't seem to miss the baled hay. We have been mixing enough rations for each horse for two days (8 pounds) but used the full capacity of 12 pounds for three days while we were away. The iFEED system has worked well so far and it has been very easy to turn the feeders off while the horses are grazing with muzzles in the afternoons and back on for overnight feedings. I love that I can premix the rations and supplements and just have a friend come once a day to check on my horses and refill the feeders as needed while we are away, knowing that the horses are getting fed the proper amounts around the clock.

Thank you again for your help getting the feeders ordered and delivered before our trip. The installation went very smoothly. I appreciate that you were available in case we had any questions. You have great customer service, a great product, and I will definitely recommend the iFEED system to my friends.

We love iFeed and how it’s helped our program.
Unfortunately, our stallion passed this year from a septic coffin infection. His nutrition was very tricky the last 6 months of his life, and I truly believe that his iFeed and its ability to schedule his small portioned meals, afforded him more time for treatment. Our veterinary team was amazed how nutritionally healthy he was, and I knew that the iFeed played a huge role in keeping him comfortable and his guts ulcer free. Being on systemic antibiotics, loads of anti inflammatory drugs, and limited mobility; we all worried about how his GI would cope. We had to pull some weight off of him to help his front feet. Yet, through the whole process, he never had to be placed on Omeprazole. The infection was very tough to contain, and when it invaded his deep digital flexor, we made the decision to euthanize him. iFeed changed his life for the better and helped him nutritionally thrive through a serious life ending illness.
As a horse person, you have to be thankful for the time that you did have with your horses. Losing our stallion was a huge hit to us, but we remember him fondly every single day.
As for the iFeed, I hung it in a boarder’s stall who had been on Omeprazole powder for over a year. In 3 months, he was fat, slick, and completely cleared from Omeprazole. It’s just an amazing product!
Thank you for keeping in touch!!
Take care!

Meredith and Toby (The Big Promise)

Jesper! I have been waiting and waiting and waiting to really give you an honest review of iFeed....   
I LOVE IT!!!   

Set up was so easy, we were shocked. The system is amazing and makes complete sense. Thank you so much for getting all the settings dialed in. It was pretty much mount, set the clock, and plug it in!   

Everything has changed...everything! My stallion was so food driven before, he would gun 6 lbs of grain and bang on the walls for something more everyday. If he heard a human, any human, he would bang his front foot on the stall door until some poor soul would give him a treat, only making him that much worse. I used to have to cross tie him mid day, just to keep him from banging. We tree everything, spacing out feedings, hanging a slow feed hay bag, even one of those stall toys that lets out a little grain when he plays with it. Nothing helped. I was a little skeptical of how much the iFeed would help us, but I had no idea it would completely eliminate that food driven behavior.  

My stallion now hangs out, no banging, no nervous behavior, no begging people for food/treats/attention. He is quiet, calm, and even a little lazy to make it to his feeder when it cycles on. His consumption has lessened, and he is not going through near as much hay. I used to fill his hay bag 4 times a day...I'm down to 2 times now and he wastes nothing.  His whole body has transformed. He is utilizing his feed better and filling in his top line like I have never seen before. He has always carried weight in his shoulder and chest, but he is very balanced and I can see huge differences in what he should have always looked like. It truly is amazing!  

I have now used the system for 6 months, and I am sold! I am going to try to outfit my entire barn. I think the benefits are limitless, and feeding broodmares and foals, who are constantly growing...I would LOVE to see how it benefits them.  We are on board 100% and would love to help spread the word. I'm so glad I purchased iFeed and thank you so much for all your help and guidance. 

Please let me know how we can help. We love iFeed!!! More people should own the system and see for themselves!  

Thanks so much!

Dean Stermer - Professional Rodeo Cowboy


In our business and in any performance horse business, having horses perform at their peak is the difference between winning and losing. Nutrition is at the core of performance in our horses.

Horse nutrition is a billion dollar business but unless you feed your horse not only the right feed but also in the proper manner, few of the performance improvements from the feed will do what they were developed to do so. By utilizing iFEED and feeding small meals 8-12 times per day, my horses have improved on every level. It is obvious in my success as a Steer Wrestler that after having used iFEED for 8 months, my horses are performing better than ever. On top of that, I am realizing feed savings of over 30%. Attending 80 plus rodeos a year, I put a tremendous amount of trust in my horses and feeding my horses properly is more important than anything else when needing to have the best possible performance from my horses.

There is no doubt in my mind, that with iFEED my horses have never looked better, never performed better and never been more healthy mentally and physically.

I highly recommend that if you want the very best for your horses' health and performance, there is nothing that will make a bigger difference than utilizing an iFEED.

Kolding Stallion Center
Here at Kolding Stallion Center, we have used the iFEED system in all of our stables since 2003. We have saved 20-25% in feed during this time due to the improved feed intake and reduction in feed waste. This has meant that the investment in the iFEED system was recovered in less than 1 year. Since the feeders only need to be filled once a day, the savings in time is also significant. Since each individual feeder is set to feed a specific amount at specific times, there is little concern about over feeding or waste. With peace of mind, we can rely on the iFEED system to feed our horses timely and accurately and we are able to spend more quality time with our horses.

In my opinion, this is the innovation of the millennium within horse welfare and horsemanship.
Poul-Erik Lohmann

Enggården Ridecenter
At Enggården Ridecenter, we have approx. 50 horses, 30 of which have been fed using iFEED feeders since 2007. The feeders have been running perfectly since installation and have lived up to all our expectations. We are using rolled grains feed and have experienced savings of 20% since installation.

The horses are calm during feeding time and we have not experienced a single case of digestive disorders for any of our horses since we started using the automated feeders. We attribute this to the many small feedings. We feed 8 times per day with various break in between feedings.

As owners, we also hold full time jobs outside of the farm. The simple design and functionality of the feeders have proven very reliable, and has been a huge relief in our daily lives. The owners of our boarded horses can control the feed amount for their individual horses, which they find very reassuring.

Lars Boje

Hedensted Ridecenter
"At our riding centre we have installed 67 feed dispensers from iFEED. Forty-two of them are used for private horses, which are fed 10 times a day. Twenty-five dispensers are used for school horses, which are fed 6 times a day. With iFEED we save approximately 25% of feed per year".

Karl Knegt
Stable Manager

Henrik Sibbesen
Henrik Sibbesen is a member of the Danish National Dressage Team. He recently took an individual silver medal at the European Championships as well as a gold medal at the World Championships in Kentucky on his horse Rexton Royal. Henrik is a loyal fan of the feeders and has just ordered another 15 for an expansion at his facility.

At his farm Shadock in southern Denmark they have been using the feeders for 50 horses for the past seven years. Henrik states, “once you have used iFEED, you can never go back”. The feeders are filled once daily which saves man hours, and he has experienced lower feed bills as well as fewer veterinary visits.

How they are used 
“In the summertime we feed five times daily and during colder weather seven times a day. We have not had colic since we installed iFEED.” The stomach of the horse is quite small and the many small feedings the iFEED allows for is good for the digestion of the horses because the feed is utilized more efficiently. We save at least 10-20% on feed.

Feeding behavior
On the Schadock farm they experience zero stress or negative behaviors often associated with feeding time. Henrik says, “The feeders promote a calm environment and behavior. We have many horse owners who have never seen their horses lie down and rest, but when they come to the farm they will see the horses lying down, even during the day. Some of the new tenants are skeptical, they question whether the horses are being tended to or getting enough to eat. We all end up laughing about six months later when they realize how important these feeders are to the welfare of the animals”.
Henrik Sibbesen ensures the horses have access to hay in addition to using the feeders.

Product performance
It has been 7 years since Henrik installed the iFEED feeders, and there are no plans to change. “We just did a major cleaning of all of them and they look as good as new. They are made of polypropylene and stainless steel, so we expect another 5-10 years of usage before they need to be replaced.

“..once you have used iFEED, you can never go back.”

Scott Trahan, Owner Milan Quarter Horses
The iFEED feeders that we have invested into Milan has been a game Changer. With its ability to precisely deliver grain in small intervals we have seen improvements in our horses condition and weight while actually feeding less. We believe the slow gradual feed allows better digestion and use of every pound of feed consumed. Thanks to the iFEED team that worked with us so efficiently to get this system installed.

Clark Rassi, Bushy Park Farms Stallion Managers

We at Bushy Park Farms spend endless hours daily working on championship nutrition so when we discovered iFEED it seemed too good to be true. 4 months later and 2 select world champions was proof enough for us that iFEED is the only way to go, thank you guys you are the best.

Brinkmann Ranch, Frisco, Texas

At the Brinkmann Ranch, iFEED has completely revolutionized the way we feed our horses! We were skeptic a year ago and today I believe it is the right thing and the only way to feed your horses. Whether it is for your backyard horse or your world champion, you will see nothing but positive results. As a producer of world champions iFEED has changed the way we do things around our ranch as well as changed our horses lives, thanks guys.

Kim Anding, Anding Acres
Love the feeders. The system is really a HUGE benefit!

Bailey West
The iFEED has been really great to have in our barn. The horses love it and I love that they get fed through the time they are in their stalls. I've noticed that new horses settle in quicker when they get the iFEED experience. Our feeders are used on all the horses, including the mares and foals. This way the foals seem to learn how to eat grain gradually.